Sunday, August 3, 2014

all dressed up with nothing to exploit for personal gain

  • Starting to regret hiring Axl Rose to be the greeter at my new restaurant called The Jungle
  • How we took too much MDMA and tried to make a documentary about how not to make a documentary on too much MDMA, and why it won an award
  • Nothing better than watching the person you love sleep then quietly then leaving so they never knew you were in their apt
  • Hey, teenage girls, what stupid thing are you into now? I want to crank out a shitty book and turn it into seven movies.
  • Princess Leia is now a Disney Princess, but she was bought and paid for... like a slave.
  • I'm pitching a movie to SyFy about a bunch of sharks joining NATO but I just can't come up with a title
  • I understand people who are self destructive because I've never seen a pool cover I didn't secretly want to dance on.
  • Women are a lot like apples because otherwise this analogy doesn't work at all.
  • I'm not sure how important intention really is. Broken glass doesn't intend to hurt you, but that doesn't mean you should eat it.
  • Rain ruined my plans. Drought wouldn't do that.
  • Getting a head start on gaining weight in time for the winter.
  • Now that Japan is having a robot Olympics, will they also have a robot special Olympics for broken robots?
  • A lot of people have a fear of spiders. Imagine how bad insects fear spiders.

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